Well Guess What?
Rock the Week E-Newsletter for 9/18/24 didn’t publish, so here it is, out of order!
Empathy is about finding echos of another person in yourself
Order of Worship for 9/29/24
Check out the Latest News
You can find out all the things going on in the latest Rock the Week E-Newsletter for 9/25/24
We are proclaiming what we are!
We are not proclaiming what we are not. Order of worship for 9/22/24
Honor and Remember
Rock the Week E-Newsletter for 9/11/2024
How Do You Show Up in the World?
Order of Worship for 9/8/2024
New Soffits and MORE!!!
New Soffits on the Sanctuary and gearing up for fall programming. Check out the latest Shadow Rock News for 9/4/24
Shadow Rock United Church of Christ
12861 N. 8th Avenue | Phoenix, AZ 85029
Rev. Ken Heintzelman, Senior Minister
Church Office Hours:
Monday-Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Phone: 602-993-0050