Most of the money we receive goes into the General Fund, which pays the staff and keeps the lights on at Shadow Rock. But there are a few special, designated funds as well.
The Pastor’s Charitable Fund is money used by Pastor Ken to help individuals on a case-by-case basis. Sometimes, in our quest to “change the world,” we forget how impactful we can be on a small scale. Helping make a rent payment, providing lunches for students affected by the teacher walkout, buying groceries for a family whose main breadwinner is undergoing chemo – these are all ways the Pastor’s Charitable Fund has been used. Each year, the offerings at the Christmas Eve services go to replenish this fund, but donations are accepted year-round.
We are blessed to have a beautiful and amazingly functional facility. The ability to provide sacred space for Shadow Rock and our community requires maintenance and improvements. These come with a cost separate from the operating budget of Shadow Rock UCC and its continuing missions. The Facilities Improvement Fund has been created to anticipate and meet these needs. Through our “Momentum@Work” campaign, we raise money to help care for our campus and make necessary upgrades, replacements, and improvements.
Periodically, we take up a special offering with other churches in the United Church of Christ. These funds are managed through the National UCC office, and we are proud to support our denomination in this way. Special Offerings include:
- One Great Hour of Sharing
Supports partners in countries with ministries that fund health, education and agricultural development, emergency relief, refugee ministries and both international and domestic disaster response, administered by Wider Church Ministries, Global Sharing of Resources. - Strengthen the Church
Supports church growth, pastoral and lay leadership development, youth and young adult ministries within conferences and administered by Local Church Ministries. - Neighbors in Need
One-third of this offering supports the Council for American Indian Ministry (CAIM) and two-thirds is administered by Justice and Witness Ministries to support a variety of justice initiatives, advocacy efforts, and direct service projects through grants. - The Christmas Fund
Provides direct financial assistance to retired and active United Church of Christ authorized ministers and lay employees and their surviving spouses, including pension and health premium supplementation, emergency assistance, and Christmas thank-you checks.
Shadow Rock United Church of Christ
12861 N. 8th Avenue | Phoenix, AZ 85029
Rev. Ken Heintzelman, Senior Minister
Church Office Hours:
Monday-Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Phone: 602-993-0050