One of the surprises of this fall at Shadow Rock has been the interest and energy around Sermon Reboot. This time together is a deeper dive into the topic of Pastor Ken’s message, including personal responses to the sermon. Yesterday, we had about a dozen folks sitting around the Narthex and on Zoom, discussing money and stewardship. Often, we begin the discussion with ORID (also known as Art Form Discussion or Focused Conversation), which helps us stay slow and centered in our talking with one another.
One thing that’s naturally come up as we talk is books that have been formative for us.
- Ken is recommending Braiding Sweetgrass, a book that combines science and Indigenous knowledge and memoir in lovely and fascinating ways.
- Laurie recommends An Indigenous History of the United States, a history that centers on the experiences of Native Americans.
- Karen is doing lots of racial justice reading for Sacred Conversations and is suggesting Stand Your Ground: Black Bodies and the Justice of God.
What about you? Let us know what reading (movies, blogs, or other media) is feeding your soul in these times. Comments are open!